Wednesday 16 April 2014

Twitter Chats | Who, What When and How...

When I first started blogging I didn't even have a Twitter account. The thought of it really confused me, what are these hashtags everyone's talking about?! How do I @ someone in a Tweet? Maybe I'm too old to join Twitter?!

But once getting to grips with the basics, it opened up a whole world of friends, celebrities and of course blog chats to me. It's been a really useful tool in increasing my blog readership, page views and I've met some lovely people and done some amazing things because of it (see this post here for one of those!).

There are so many Twitter chats out there to join in with whether you're a beauty, lifestyle, fashion, food or parent blogger or all of the above! Basically, at different times throughout the week, usually for an hour, groups of bloggers from all across the world join in and talk to each other and share their blog links, simply by writing a tweet and using a specifically designed hashtag (#) somewhere in their tweet - yes it really is that easy!

Here is my example...

To see what other people are saying in the chat, I do a search for the hashtag for that hour, for example, if it was the beauty bloggers chat I would type #bbloggers in the search bar, then everyone who has written a tweet with that hashtag will come up!

Here is a little list of some of the chats I join in with...

#fbloggers - fashion bloggers chat 8.00-9.00pm GMT

#craftblogclub - a chat for those who love to craft 7.00-8.00pm
#fblchat - fashion, beauty & lifestyle chat 8.00-9.00pm

#lbloggers - lifestyle bloggers chat 7.00-8.00pm
#bbloggers - beauty bloggers chat (no topic) 8.00-9.00pm

#fbloggers - fashion bloggers 8.00-9.00pm
#bloggersWLW - weight loss chat 8.00-9.00pm

#beautychat - a chat about all things beauty 7.00-8.00pm

#socialbloggers - talk about social media and promoting your blog 6.00-7.00pm
#tbloggers - teen bloggers 8.00-9.00pm

#pbloggers - parent bloggers 9.00-10.00pm
#foodbloggers - food bloggers chat 8.00-9.00pm
#lbloggers - lifestyle bloggers 7.00-8.00pm
#bbloggers - beauty bloggers 8.00-9.00pm 

I'm sure a lot of you will be familiar with this already but hopefully you've found this post useful!

Do you take part in the Twitter chats?

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty new to this and I haven't taken part in any of these but thanks for posting the times! xo
