Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 300 followers and the rules
of the award is that the nominee must link back to whoever awarded them,
write 11 random facts about themselves, answer the 11 questions from
the award giver, and then nominate another 11 bloggers and make up 11
questions for them to answer. It's a great way for new and undiscovered
bloggers to meet new people, get more followers and find some blogs that they want to follow."
I'm so excited to have been nominated for this award by the lovely Lucy over at Louminous - thank-you!
Here are 11 random facts about me!
1) I'm allergic to most fruits, apples, melons, kiwis - it means I have to eat a lot of vegetables!
2) I have a "little" bit of a crush on David Tennant
3) I love musicals especially Phantom of the Opera I've seen it once in London and am going again in Southampton next month
4) My favourite time of day is twilight and I love walking home from work as it's getting dark
5) German Shepherd dogs really scare me because I was bitten by one when I was younger
6) I've become a bit of a competition addict and spend my lunch and tea times at work entering competitions on Facebook and Twitter
7) When I was younger I once tried to make fudge without a sugar thermometer, It came out in a completely solid sugar lump but my grandad still ate it so I didn't get upset that no one liked it!
8) I cry at Disney films, epecially at the beginning of "Up"
9) I work in a laboratory in a hospital processing patients blood samples
10) I'm the queen of "fads" I usually have big ideas to do something, buy all the equipment etc, do it for a while and then get bored and move onto something else - it drives my husband crazy!
11) I'm a lefty!
Here are the answers to the questions Lucy gave me:
1) What is the worst product you have ever bought?
The worst product I think I have bought is a Ruby and Millie primer from Boots, only because I used it for the first time, having used many cosmetics before thinking I would be fine but a few minutes after putting it on my face started to really burn! I tried to get it off as quickly as possible and afterwards my face turned out all blotchy! Needless to say I never used it again!
2.How often do you find yourself blogging instead of working?
Haha! All the time! I'm usually late leaving for work every morning because I lose track of time writing and reading other people's posts. People at work also tell me off for being antisocial at lunchtime because I'm always on my phone reading new posts or with my head in my notepad coming up with blog post ideas!
3.What are your interests aside from blogging?
Besides blogging I love to bake and craft. My favourite things to make are cupcakes but in line with my new years resolutions I'm going to try and bake more things. I started up my own eBay shop last year selling cards but struggled to keep up with the demand. I'm hoping to start that up again soon. I also love going to the cinema and collecting DVD's, I have almost 600 in total!
4.How do you take your tea/coffee?
I don't drink tea but I do drink coffee. I have one every morning when I wake up. I take it with milk and two sugars. I also love hazelnut coffee syrup and when I manage to go to Whittards to get some (they have been sold out for weeks now) I have that instead of the sugar.
5.Name one weird or wonderful thing that you can do.
I can make the pupils in my eyes wiggle! Freaky!
6.What is your favourite kids film?
Oh my! This question is so hard! I'm a total Disney addict and love watching kids films, even though I don't have any kids! A large chunk of my DVD collection is Disney. I think if I really had to choose, my favourite film at the moment is Rio (I know thats not Disney lol) I love the songs in it and my husband gets really annoyed because I suddenly burst into song - a lot!
7.What do you see as your best quality/part of you? Be honest! :)
I don't want to sound big headed when I talk about my best quality but I do think that people would agree with me that I always go out of my way to do things for other people and put others before myself. At work, people know they can come to me if they need help with something, my colleagues call me the walking encylopedia as I remember so much stuff!
8.Describe the best day of your life so far.
This is an easy one! My wedding day. Technically I'm still classed as a newlywed as we only got married 7 months ago but that really has been the best day of my life so far. My husband and I had been engaged for three and a half years so it gave me time to plan absolutely everything. Everything was perfect on the day, the only thing was is that it seemed to go so quickly but I have some beautiful wedding photos to remind me of that day :)
9.What is your favourite food?
It's difficult to choose just one but I guess I would have to say chocolate! I was so happy to finally visit Cadbury's World a few months back and tried the new Oreo Dairy Milk bar, that was so good!
10.Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I really hope that in the next 10 years we will be able to move into our own home instead of the rented flat we are in now and hopefully have at least 2 children. I'd still like to work as well as having children so I'd like to progress within my job too.
11.What is your favourite song?
I really love music and its really hard to pick just one song so I'm going to go with one that I have been playing constantly recently which is Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding
Here are my questions:
1) Where is the furthest you have travelled to?
2) What's your favourite Disney movie?
3) What job would you do if you could do anything?
4) Are you a glass half empty or half full person?
5) Do you have a blogging schedule or do you blog when you feel like it?
6) If you could meet a famous person, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
7) Are you more of a talker or a listener?
8) What's your favourite smell?
9) What do you like to do it your spare time?
10) Are you a dog or a cat person?
11) When eating out do you have a starter or do you save yourself for dessert?
I nominate:
Please check out their blogs and follow if you like.
Please link back to me if you do this post as I'd love to see what you've written!